Just over two years ago, I declared I was done with quilting. In October, I decided to give it another try.
It came to me that it doesn't have to be perfect to be usable and to be loved. I let go of my need to have the end result be perfect and simply enjoyed the process not-so-straight seams and all. Once I let go of this unnecessary need for the quilt to be perfect it seemed I made less mistakes after all. That part may or may not be my imagination, but do you know what? It doesn't matter. My mother-in-law and husband have admired the quilt. My children have spent all weekend under this one (except while Trick or Treating!) keeping warm and playing. Never once did anyone look at it and inform me that it was imperfect. I am content with it.
I even had fun given the quilt its own 'photo shoot' since I wasn't worrying about imperfections being displayed.
I got a few strange looks and even a few disapproving remarks about the colors I was choosing to use for this quilt at the fabric store. A lot of older women telling me 'Oh, honey, that's going to be way to bright. Are you sure?'
I love the way the bright colors look. It will remind me of summer all through the cold months of the year. And, I think, when it fades some day it will be even more beautiful.
The hardest part of making this quilt for me was trying to be random in my color placement. It's in my nature to try to spread out the randomness perfectly--no greens touching other greens, no pinks touching other pinks and so on--but this time I made myself reach for a cut piece and use it no matter what color was already there. You can see how pinks were touching pinks and greens were touching greens in this star and it doesn't bother me at all. I like the look.
Do you see a four petal flower?
One of my favorite things about quilts is how you can look at it and see different shapes emerge. In this quilt, first you might see the stars sprinkled throughout the pattern but then look again and you'll see four petal flowers all over.
I'm ready to say farewell to summer now!