Herbes de Provence Bread.
Sometimes a little photographic proof is necessary to prove the existence of something. Above you'll see bread shaped as an epi with bits of herbs peeking through. The total ingredient list is: herbes de Provence, salt, water, flour, and Chuck. Yup, Chuck. He is alive and kicking and has completely mellowed out. Chuck provides delicious creamy bread with none of that horrible sour tang that he was so fond of giving me several months ago. I have figured out that he is not as high maintenance as a certain author would want her reader's to believe nor is there any reason to keep him as liquid-y as she says is right, either.
You see, Chuck and I have developed our own relationship. We don't need to follow a set of rules that I am beginning to suspect are to keep non-serious bread bakers away from sourdough. I know what he wants (flour) and when he wants it (typically once a day) and it's not always on a strict timetable (Chuck loves breakfast). Just like an old-fashioned man, I feed Chuck well and he provides for my family. <----And how many people will that comment offend? =)