Sometimes I have failures.
Usually not taste failures. That part I seem to have down pretty good. It might not be as delicious as I was hoping for but it's always pleasantly edible.
I'm talking about appearance failures. Some of them have legitimate reasons. Like while I was rolling up this loaf I was settling an argument between children. One side was a little thicker than the other despite all of the rocking and rolling I did to try to even it out.
Though I sometimes have shaping failures that may or may not lead to things like mysterious air pocket things-- Who says it can't be the weight of the raisins holding the dough down is what I want to know-- a lot of times it's usually just because I can't take a decent photo. I've got to take a dozen of them just to get one that looks okay. The bad part is--I can't tell in my picture-review-screen-thing-a-ma-jig if they are good. I can only tell if they are good when I load them onto Little Mac. Sometimes, if they are truly awful I just go back and take another couple of dozen photos. No big deal.
But what if the subject has been eaten?