There. I said it.
I don't think kids should have homework--most especially prior to high school. It's mind numbingly awful boring for some and sheer torture for others. I'm sure there are a few that it is neither for. I feel after sitting all day at school that that is enough 'school learning' for the day. Time at home should be for being with family and friends, playing and being a kid. (Think about it--not many adults bring work home!)
Also, while I'm complaining, why the rush to cram school learning into children?* Does it really matter if they are reading by the time they go to first grade or by the time first grade is half way through? As an adult, can you remember when you started to read? Now think--if it had taken you an extra six months would that affect you in your life now? Probably not. It's the same for math and all the other subjects too. All I see is a means to burn children out; think how many children 'give up' by the 7th or 8th grade and just drift through the rest of school doing only the bare minimum to move on.
*I think they cram it in so they can get children ready for those stupid national tests. Then, after the scores are received they can all stand around buffing their nails on their shirt fronts feeling good about themselves. Or they can brag about the school's scores to prospective parents of children about to enter. For the record, I am one parent who could care less about the scores of these tests whether it's the overall scores the children at the school makes OR the scores my child makes.
Yet, despite my brave words, here sits one of my children doing homework.
And eating a plain pita that decided it didn't want to puff. Why? The homework, not the pita.
Because they take recess away for incomplete homework. =(