There sure have been a lot of them around lately....
Gloria brought these back from Disney World...chocolate pecan caramel clusters.
I have no clue where these came from. Very creamy. Too much milk chocolate and not enough dark chocolate! More hershey kisses in the little purple container.
Mmmm...GIANT Hershey Chocolate Plaque in the gold box. Strange cookies--but pretty tasty--in the package on top.
No clue what this is. Some type of cake. I bet it was very delicious at one time..but it's been hanging around a little too long for my tastes. This is also the cake that almost cost me donuts this morning! GRRRRR.
This is a maple icing pastry thingy from Oakmont Bakery. Russ brings stuff from this bakery. They make good stuff--but I'm not so fond of the Maple Icing.
Mmmmm Donuts. My donut is already missing because I gobbled it up. Bob brings these in on Thursdays. And he always 'hides' my donut in the lower left corner where it's not easily seen by other office workers so they can't snag it. I like glazed best. =D I haven't the heart to tell him he doens't have to hide it because he is the Pied Piper of Donuts and as soon as he walks in the door and past my desk I follow him directly to the kitchen!
I brought these in and they sit on my desk. Luckily I'm not too fond of caramel kisses or heart shaped butterfingers so I don't touch them. They are for tempting everyone else!
Look what I found Missy to be eating.
Nothing more to be said to that!