All over blog land, I've been seeing some really fabulous snow pictures. Well, not going to see those sort here. One, we didn't get quite enough snow, two, you can see the bits of yard/yard debris sticking through the snow because of #1 and three I was barefoot and loving my zoom button from the edge of the dining room door.
Here are a few...not so of how the kids and dogs enjoy any sort of snow.
Tristyn prefers to use the snow as a modeling compound, shaping it into various things. I later found out that he was fascinated with how he could turn snow into 'ice' and was pretending he was some super hero that used this as his power. We hadn't been able to find his waterproof gloves and the plain knit kind allowed the warmth of his hands to compact the snow into hard little ice balls.
Maia thought she'd try snowboardings and she didn't care that her board was saucer shaped.
And spun. And made her fall. She just kept trying. What's that? You think Maia looks funny? I do too, but I couldn't get her to take her dress off. She looks like a pink puffy GIRL marshmallow man. I force them to overdress some for playing in the snow. I can't help it. I think I get it from my dad; he was always naysaying coats and jackets on basis of them not being 'thick' enough. At any rate, after 1 hour, 15 minutes I finally called them in because the hot cocoa I had warming on the stove was developing a skin. Except for pink cheeks, they weren't even cold!
Riley loves the snow. I mean he really LOVES the snow. It instantly excites him throwing him into a frenzy of running.
What about Bob?
Well Bob is like me. He doesn't like to be cold. Bob snuck in the house through my legs while I was taking the pictures.
I can't say I blame him.