Apparently home-made cinnamon rolls aren't satisfying to the girl-child in this house. Not even ones that her mother started the night before, set an alarm to wake up at 3 AM to take rolls out of the fridge so they could properly rise (okay-- stumbled out of bed, down the steps, struggled to open the fridge, take the pan out and set them on a secure countertop), then woke up at 7 am to bake the things. She ate most of one and then said:
"I don't mean to hurt your feelings but I really don't like them."
I guess only Pilsbury ones smooshed in that little metal and paper tube is good enough for her. =(
My boy child ate two. He liked them. The husband is still in bed--he'll have the deciding vote I suppose.
A bit of a closeup. Apparently hovering over a cinnamon roll with a camera changes the lighting. I promise this roll really isn't wonky colored.